Saturday Night Live is one of America’s great television programs, if defined by nothing other than longevity; although certainly not the most important qualification.
Growing up, I found the show to be absolutely hilarious – the skits, the characters, and the fake commercials (“Yardapult” and “Oops, I Crapped My Pants!”). I felt like I was “breaking the rules” – staying up late to watch until the very end at midnight….and staying up late is a pretty big deal when you’re 12.
And there’s really too many great skits and characters to even begin to name a favorite; there’s just different types of “funny.” From Motivational Speaker Matt Foley to Weekend Update, Phil Hartman to Dan Akroyd, we all have our favorites.
One skit that is always relevant when working in the kitchen is Dana Garvey’s classic: “Choppin’ Broccoli.”
I believe he personally invented the skit and also performed it during his SNL audition. I have shared a link below in all it’s glory – he uses remarkable insight, cunning humor, which is all layered with just the right touch of silly ….
Whether it’s life imitating art, or vice versa, I can’t help but think of this song EVERY TIME I’m…..choppin’ broccoli….chopu-un broco-lay….. Chopping brah–ca–lay–lay–lay!….you get the picture…
Today I had some left-over rice, so I mixed it with some brocco…..ok, I’ll stop…
But, as I was saying, mix the chopped (ahem!) “vegetable” with rice and cheese and put it in the oven…and a tasty dish will be ready in just a few short minutes time.
So if you have some rice, cheese, and chopped broccoli, go ahead and make this: Cheesy Broccoli Rice Bake
It goes well with this Pan Seared Pork Tenderloin or this Super Bowl Flank Steak on a Stick.