Reindeer Pate…Would You!?!?

Sometimes, people take their love of red meat to the limits….others might ask if they have taken their “meat love” too far?  To answer this question, we’re here to ask you a simple question of our own: “WOULD YOU!?!?” Unlike many of the products featured in “Would You!?!?”, this one is real!    

Bacon Roses….Would You!?!?

Sometimes, people take their love of red meat to the limits….others might ask if they have taken their “meat love” too far?  To answer this question, we’re here to ask you a simple question of our own: “WOULD YOU!?!?” Let her know how much you care – ideal for that special lady, on that special occasion!  

Choppin’ Broccoli

Saturday Night Live is one of America’s great television programs, if defined by nothing other than longevity; although certainly not the most important qualification.  Growing up, I found the show to be absolutely hilarious – the skits, the characters, and the fake commercials (“Yardapult” and “Oops, I Crapped My Pants!”).  I felt like I was “breaking the rules” – staying up late to watch until the very … Read More

What if?

Nothing against vegetarians, as we respect the views of others, but Homer just nails it sometimes….