Today we’re doing a chicken wing experiment to see which oil makes the best wing. We’ve done a lot of chicken wing experiments on this channel. However, we haven’t done fried chicken wings even though we’ve gotten a lot of requests to do so. Well, your prayers have been answered! This experiment involved three different types of oils to see which one produced the overall best wing. Our production assistant, Jarod “T-Bone” Stone, joined me for the blind taste test.
We haven’t fried a lot of wings because frying can be a little bit messy. But guess what? It’s a pretty easy process! If stoned 16 year old fast food workers can fry chicken wings…you can too. So, today we’re going to find out which oil produces the best wings.
Oil Experiment Details
Here are the steps for today’s experiment:
- Get the oil(s) flipping hot. (You say piping, I say flipping. If that drives you nuts, you should hear me say Wagyu or Worchestershire).
- Drop the wings in the flipping hot oil to get them nice and crispy.
- Then my favorite part, test the results.

We chose our oils based upon a combination of three things: usefulness, utility for frying and price point. The three oils we chose are:
- Peanut Oil
- Vegetable Oil
- Corn Oil
Now, this experiment is for fried wings. But we’ve done an experiment in the where we found the best recipes for crispy grilled wings. Check out the result here!
In order to have a fair blind taste test, we arranged all three chicken wings on a board and marked which oil used underneath. Neither Jared or myself knew which wings belonged to which oil. The wings were only seasoned with salt and pepper to really get a sense for the true flavor profile of the oil.
Crispy Fried Chicken Wing Results
Peanut Oil
- Not as crispy as we would have liked it.
- Had the lightest color compared to the other two oils.
- It was a little bland.
Vegetable Oil
- Was a little sweeter than the peanut oil wing.
- Had better crunch on it.
- Had really nice color to the wings.
- We liked this one better than the peanut oil wing.
Corn Oil
- Tastes the closest to what we’re used to tasting as a chicken wing.
- Has a richer flavor.
- Was definitely the crispiest.
- Had the best color.

We’re going to build on this experiment and make some dirty wings (also called trash wings). You ever had trash wings before? It’s like a double fry process. And we’re going to be hitting them with some buffalo sauce.
If you did you enjoyed this experiment…try it at home and let us know which oil was your favorite! Make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel and continue to follow along our media adventures. We release a new video every week!