How to Cook Steak in a Pan-Pan Seared Steak, So easy, So TASTY!

Renee HenertLeave a Comment

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If you’ve been following Red Meat Lover for the last few years you’ve seen us do several different experiments on how to make the best tasting steak right at home. Well today, we’re showing you how to cook steak in a pan for the tastiest, juiciest steak right in your kitchen!

Tasty Inputs = Tasty Outputs

Now, it goes without saying, a great tasting outcome begins with great tasting inputs. One of the most important inputs is starting with a quality cut of meat. For today’s recipe, we used a ribeye. Another important input is to salt the steak ahead of time to turn up the flavor profile! We learned in a prior steak experiment that you can really enhance the flavor by salting at least an hour ahead of the cook. That’s what we did here.

ribeye steak

I want to thank my friends at Redmond Sea Salt. for sending us this product. They’re an American made company out of Utah and offer amazing products. Now, before we drop it in the pan, we’re going to hit it with some black pepper on both sides. Some people prefer thin pepper, but I like thick pepper.

Here’s the total list of ingredients you’ll need:

  1. Ribeye steak ( make sure it has great marbling)
  2. Sea salt
  3. Black Pepper
  4. Avocado Oil
  5. Butter
  6. Fresh rosemary or basil

Ribeye Steak in a Pan

You can use whatever pan you have available, but we suggest using a cast iron skillet. You want to heat it up to a medium high heat. Once you see smoke starting to rise up from the pan, you’re ready to go. Having a hot pan insures you get a perfect pan seared steak. Coat the pan with the avocado oil. With a cast iron pan, the steak should only need about two to three minutes per side.

After 90 seconds, flip your steak. Throw in the butter and herbs of your choice. Let the melt butter/herb mixture melt and spoon the savory mix over the top of the steak. Pull the steak reaches 125 degrees Fahrenheit and let it rest for five minutes. Resting your steak is the hardest part of this cooking process!

steak in a pan

It will smells absolutely ridiculously good in your kitchen between the peppercorns caramelizing and the fresh herbs cooking. I just want to point out that there’s a couple of different parts of a ribeye steak. First, you have the center cut portion or the loin portion. Second, you can see it separated, this is called the spin. Last, one of the most marbled and most desirable cuts of steak is the eye. Because of the fat content, rib-eyes are really forgivable steak to cook at home .

We really hope that you guys enjoyed this video and recipe on how to cook steak in a pan! Let us know how your steaks turned out in the comments below! Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel so you’ll never miss another recipe, experiment or tasty tip!


Print Recipe
Pan Seared Steak-So easy, So TASTY!
Prep Time 1 hour
Cook Time 10 minutes
Passive Time 1.10 hours
how to cook steak in a pan
  1. Salt your steak 1 hour prior to cooking and let it reach room temperature.
  2. Generously coat your steak with black pepper.
  3. Heat your skillet to a medium high heat. Once heated, coat the skillet with avocado oil.
  4. Cook the steak on the first side for 90 seconds and then flip.
  5. Add the butter and herbs and let the mixture melt. Spoon the melted mixture over the steak.
  6. Pull the steak once it has reached 125 degrees Fahrenheit and let rest for 5 minutes.
  7. Enjoy!

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