If you’re a returning visitor to the site, you will notice that we have completely upgraded and updated the website. If you’re a new visitor, welcome home! Why did we spend too much time and money to create this site? Simply because….
“The heart wants what the heart wants.”
The previous website was really great and had some nice features but in order to build the very best “house,” we had to tear down the old one completely. We’re ambitious and laid the foundation for a mansion instead….Oops!
We have added MORE original content, including videos in “Watch & Learn” as well as “Fresh Vids” from around the web. We also have original merchandise with more items coming soon.
We want to build an awesome site for the community of Red Meat Lovers and, therefore, this site is created for you. It’s created for the collective US, man. So let’s make it the very best. Salud!